Welfare Matters
Yes, your welfare does matter, in fact it matters a lot to us as your NARPO Branch, the only organisation set up from the start to help you through your well earned retirement.
Within this section we will bring you information on the latest government actions, high court rulings and day to day help. We work with many other groups as we are very much stronger together than alone. So members are advised to keep a look out for changes which we will email to you and relay to this site for your information. Use the tabs below to move between articles which are relevant to your current visit. If you do not find what you need then email or phone the Branch Secretary, Bruce Goldfarb or the Branch Chairman Terry Lynch. Confidentiality is adhered to in the strictest sense and not shared with ANYONE outside of those who need to know in order to help.
Welfare Related Information
28/02/2022 - Police Federation - Back-dating of Injury on Duty awards
Good news from The Federation about a new Court decision relating to the back payment of Injury of Duty Awards to the point of retirement. Follow this link for details
If you are a former Federated officers impacted by this judgement then please feel free to contact Kent Federation office at kent@kent.polfed.org where we will look to assist,
Wellbeing Factsheet on Demetia for Information
NHS Continuing Health Care - Message from CEO NARPO
NARPO Bereavement Booklet and Webpage
Press release re Mental Health and wellbeing question
More Wellbeing Factsheets produced by PMAS are on the Main Narpo Website
Police Mutual has developed a series of Wellbeing Factsheets covering physical and mental health issues . These contain useful advice for NARPO Members and signposting to other agencies which can assist and provide further information.