P.M.A.S. Foundation
Respite Pilot Scheme
As you are hopefully already aware Police Mutual have recently launched a Respite Pilot Scheme for those retirees who are either living with or caring for someone with dementia. Branch Chairs or Secretaries can make nominations, so if you know of someone who you feel, would benefit from some time away, please complete the attached form and email it to the Branch Secretary Bruce Goldfarb in the first instance, so he can take all necessary action to forward the nomination.
P.M.A.S. will be working with a number of specialist providers to source a respite break. The breaks will be planned based on the demands of the people who are being supported. There are up to 20 breaks available between now and the end of the year, with a view to extending the programme in 2017.
If you have any queries please either email me or give me a call on 01543 305351.
Kind regards
Helen Blackshaw
Wellbeing Services Manager | Police Mutual
Phone: 01543 305351 - Mobile: 07710 701298
Email: helen.blackshaw@pmas.co.uk -Web: policemutual.co.uk
Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/Police_MutualGp
Retirees Respite Application Form May