Force Group Life Assurance

Pensioners’ renewal 2015 -2018


FGLA – Pensioners’ renewal 2015 - 2018


We approach the end of our three year contract for the FGLA.  Unfortunately there is good news and some bad news.  

The claims history for our retired colleagues and spouse/partners over the last three years has, to say the least, not been good.

Our brokers have gone to the market and we have accepted the offer available to us.   As part of the negotiations we sought to increase the death benefit payable for the spouses’ scheme.  

Unfortunately due the adverse claims history we have had to increase the cost of the schemes.

Therefore w.e.f from the 1st April 2015 the retired officer scheme will rise to £16.87 and the spouses /partner scheme will rise to £7.50 with an increase in benefit from £20,000 to £31,250.

Having gone to the market, I remain of the view these prices remain very competitive given the group nature of the scheme and the lack of a medical questionnaire / assessment.

It will not be possible to continue your life assurance scheme under the old arrangements.  

Please may I take this opportunity to remind all members of the need to keep their nominated beneficiaries under the scheme up-to-date.  In addition please remember NOT to include the FGLA death benefits in any will as the scheme is administered under a trust arrangement thereby avoiding any inheritance tax.

If you wish to update your beneficiary please contact Peter Harman

Or 01622652251

Yours Sincerely,

 Mike Roberts