2018 - Winter Newsletter
Secretary/Treasurer: Bruce Goldfarb
7 Saracen Fields, Walderslade, Chatham, ME5 9DG
Telephone: 01634 683034 - E-mail: goldfarb65@btinternet.com - Branch website www.medwaynarpo.org
You are cordially invited to attend the half yearly meeting of the Branch to be held at, The Avenue Theatre, Avenue of Remembrance, Sittingbourne (opposite Police Station), at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 13th November 2018.
Minutes of Summer Meeting
Chairman’s Report
Matters arising
Half yearly Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Any Other Business
Chairman's Report
Following the Spring Meeting of the Branch on Tuesday 20th March 2018, the Chairman attended the South Eastern Area NARPO Regional Meeting at Federation House in Leatherhead in April, where a lot of discussion took place concerning the new GDPR Data Protection Act, which came in to force on the 25th May this year. Although there was a lot of 'Do's and Dont’s’ of what we can and cannot do. The operative word is acting reasonable with people's Personal Data and obtaining permission from them about the use of it and taking the necessary steps to protecting it. Following this the Chairman attended a one day course at Calcott, near Reading on Thursday 26th April 2018, which was a run by NARPO HQ at Wakefield and the input was given by a solicitor, who was advising NARPO, again a terrific lot of input/handouts were given covering all aspects of the new GDPR Data Protection Regulations.
NARPO reaches its 100 year Centenary in June 2019 and to commemorate this there will be a Formal Dinner which will be held at the Tower of London. In order to celebrate this in Kent, it was suggested and decided by all the five Kent Branches that we would arrange a Sunday Lunch on Sunday the 12th May 2019 at the Cornwallis Suite, in Tovil, near Maidstone. Each Branch will have an allocation of 30 tickets restricted to a NARPO member, plus one guest (Member's wife or a friend) at a cost of £20 and the event will be subsidised. Details will shortly be put on the Branch Website and a copy of the pre-printed Booking Form giving full details, also a copy of the Menu (with choice of meals).
The Chairman has continued to attend regular Quarterly Meeting's of NARPO Kent Branches at FHQ Training School, also Police ' Passing Out Parades' at the Training School, which are becoming more frequent due to a lot of new Recruits undergoing Training. Recently Steve Bull one of our Members and Retired Kent Dog Handler has also attended, which was nice to see and appreciated by the Training Staff at FHQ.
Following a lot of discussion by NARPO at Wakefield, suggestion was made that if Branches cannot fulfil their commitment in having a properly constituted Committee of a Chairman; Vice Chairman; Secretary and a Treasurer, as well as a Management Committee, then Branches would be looked at with a view of possibly amalgamating with another Branch nearby or in the same area. Medway & District Branch certainly do not want this to happen, As we do not have a Vice Chairman since Brian Ward had to stand down due to family health reasons and he has now moved Branches for the same reason, we have been without a Vice Chairman for some considerable time. Steve Bull has offered to stand in as Vice Chairman to help out, therefore keeping 'Our Branch' together.
Terry Lynch
Secretary's Report
Winter is upon us once again and with increased costs for nearly every item required in order to live times for pensioners are becoming increasingly difficult and no political party seems to care or want to do anything about it. Police pensions will increase next year in line with the CPI (Consumer Price Index) which for September 2018 stood at 2.4%.
It appears that the fiasco over Brexit is no nearer to being resolved and quite frankly if these are the sort of individuals running this country and those running the E.U. then I despair any outcome will ever happen.
The Branch will again this year give a Christmas Gift to widows in the sum of £50 and again the Chairman and I will deliver these in person to all those who live with the area. The remainder will be sent a cheque in the post.
In relation to the Centenary Meal being organised by Kent Branches this will need to correctly costly so that the Branch are aware. The issues will be discussed at the meeting and it is hoped that all the management Committee will be at the Meeting.
Finally may I wish all members a happy, healthy and prosperous Christmas and New Year.
Death of Members
It is with the greatest sadness that I have to notify members of the death of two members the first being Life Member Maurice Gobble who sadly passed away of the 9th September 1918. Maurice was a stalwart of the Branch and showed exceptional support to the Branch over many years and our sincere and heartfelt condolences go to his wife and family for this tragic loss.
The other member was Michael Stuart who passed away on the 17th September 2018. Michael was one of the nicest and most respected men I have ever had the privilege to know and work with and our condolences go to his daughters for this tragic loss.
Former Supt 2372 Peter Smith Died 27/2/18 Last served Tunbridge Wells
Former Sgt 2659 Joyce Booty Died 10/3/18 Last served Sittingbourne
Former PC 5074 Terry Graves Died 26/3/18 Last served Sheerness
Former DC 6994 Gregory Fright Died 23/3/18 Last served Gravesend
Former PC 6947Alan Reed Died 2/4/18 Last served Faversham
Former DC 4751 Edward Files Died 20/4/18 Last served Tonbridge
Former DC 9257 Ian Chandler Died 9/5/18 Last served S.B.
Former PC 4642 David Joyce Died 7/5/18 Last served Rochester
Former DS 5174 Paul Lepper Died 9/5/18 Last served SB Dover
Former PC 3746 Peter Booker Died 10/5/18 Last served Medway
Former PC 6769 Tina Jones Died 6/5/18 Last served Margate
Former DC 6979 Norman Reid Died 15/5/18 Last served Dover Ports
Former DC 6548 Diane Newell Died 28/5/18 Last served FHQ
Former Ch/Insp Stephen Hansford Died 30/5/18 No Service History
Former PC 8002 Stephen Burr Died 9/6/18 Last served Tac Ops
Former PC 2592 Arthur Giles Died 10/6/18 Last served Dartford
Former Sgt 6361 Simon Terry Died 12/6/18 Last served Sevenoaks
Former PC 2052 Frank Jobson Died 15/6/18 Last served Dover
Former PC 5995 Alan Godden Died 17/6/18 Last served Coldharbour
Former PC 3209 Alexander Walter Died 29/6/18 Last served FHQ
Former PC 3603 Barry Cotton Died 8/7/18 Last served Dover Ports
Former Insp 1759 William Russell Died 3/7/18 Last served Maidstone
Former PC 2331 Brian Goodwin Died 22/7/18 Last served Hadlow
Former PC 5426 Paul Rayner Died 16/7/18 Last served FHQ
Former Sgt 2337 Raymond Tomlin Died 13/8/18 Last served Gravesend
Former Sgt 3093 Maurice Penfold Died 23/7/18 Last served Canterbury
Former Sgt 1517 George White Died 13/8/18 Last served Faversham
Former PC 2303 Peter Cook Died 17/8/18 Last served Deal
Former PC 2784 Roger Brooker Died 20/8/18 Last served Swanley
Former Sgt 2683 John Connor Died 15/8/18 Last served Deal
Former Supt 2360 Michael Pursey Died 10/9/18 Last served FHQ
Former CH/Insp Barbara Duckworth Died 17/9/18 Last served FHQ
Former PC 4557 Michael Stuart Died 17/9/18 Last served Rochester
Former Supt 3919 John Wallace Died 13/9/18 Last served FHQ
Former PC2281 Maurice Goble Died 9/9/18 Last served Sheerness
Former Ch/Insp 2958 Brain Cull Died 15/9/18 Last served Chatham
Former Ch/Supt 2852 Michael Whitfield Died 6/10/18 Last served Ashford
Election of Vice Chairman
As previously shown in Chairman’s Report Mr Steve Bull has put himself forward as Branch Vice Chairman and a vote will be put to the meeting and should any other member wish to put themselves forward they should notify the Chairman prior to the meeting.
Kent Police Remembrance Day Service
There will be a Police Remembrance Service held at the front of the Police Headquarters Building at Sutton Road, Maidstone at 11.00 am on Friday the 9th November 2018. Both Regular also Retired Officers are welcome to attend. It is asked that those wishing to attend are asked to assemble at 10.40 am for the 11.00 am Service, where a wreath will be laid. Maidstone Branch of NARPO will be laying a wreath on behalf of the Kent Branches of NARPO. Following the Service refreshments will be provided in the Cliff Room, just behind the Main entrance of the Headquarter's Building.
Members Change of Details
Should any member change address or other details then please notify the Secretary in order that paperwork arrives at correct site with correct details. Can we also request that all those that have email addresses send these to the Secretary as we have 312 members and I feel sure some have not provided an email address. The reason for requesting email addresses is to try to save on the high costs of printing and postage and thus provide the Branch with funds to improve the service we are able to provide to pensioners.
Your assistance in providing these email details would be greatly appreciated. We understand that not all members have email addresses and these will continue to receive Newsletters by post as normal.
Pension Rise
The CPI for September 2018 was 2.4% and this will be the rise given to next year’s pension. The increase in Subscriptions to NARPO will rise by the same amount.
Welfare & Benevolent Fund
The Branch run a welfare section and any member with any problems should contact the Secretary for advice etc. All conversations and dealings are dealt with in the strictest confidence. Welfare representatives are Bruce Goldfarb and Terry Lynch.
Branch Website
Those members that have access to the Branch website at www.medwaynarpo.org are reminded to check the site regularly for updates. Should any member wish to advertise items for sale etc on this website then please contact the Secretary.
The website shows all latest updates and as you are aware we no longer send a separate email informing those on computers etc that we have put a new item onto site it is a simple matter to check the Branch website regularly.
Committee Member
Chairman - Mr Terry Lynch
Vice Chairman - Vacant
Secretary/Treasurer - Mr Bruce Goldfarb
Committee Members
Mr Christopher Mayes
Mr Jim Rayment
Mr Maurice Baggott
Mr Frank Gallagher
Notification of Any Other Business
Should any member have any item that they wish to raise at this meeting they should notify the Secretary in order that the matter can be researched and discussed in detail. The dates for 2019 Meetings will be place onto Branch website in the near future.
Bruce T. Goldfarb
Secretary Medway & District Branch NARPO