2017 - Winter Newsletter
Secretary/Treasurer: Bruce Goldfarb
7 Saracen Fields, Walderslade, Chatham, ME5 9DG
Telephone: 01634.683034 - E-mail: goldfarb65@btinternet.com - Branch website www.medwaynarpo.org
You are cordially invited to attend the half yearly meeting of the Branch to be held at, The Avenue Theatre, Avenue of Remembrance, Sittingbourne (opposite Police Station), at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 28th November 2017.
1. Apologies
2. Obituaries
3. Minutes of Summer Meeting
4. Chairman’s Report
5. Matters arising
6. Half yearly Secretary’s Report
7. Treasurer’s Report
8. Any other business
Secretary's Report
Winter is fast approaching and some of our members may be on their own during this period and I would request that any members who are aware of any member alone during the winter months make an effort to visit them to check on their welfare or alternately contact the secretary or Chairman who will arrange to visit.
The Bank of England have increased the bank rate to 0.5% which when Banks see fit to pass the increase onto savers will be of some if only a small benefit. As usual Banks and Building Societies are quick to reduce savings rates but very slow in increasing them proving that they are still not running a fair system as those borrowing will no doubt have already seen the increase in rates. As we are all aware the cost of living is increasing and the value of pensions is decreasing in real terms a fact Governments do not appear to comprehend.
With winter on us the Health Service appears to be braced for breakdown with the media predicting a catastrophe if we get a flu pandemic. Hopefully this will not happen and on my rare visits to my local Accident and Emergency Department I have noted that many attending do not need to be there but attend simply because they cannot get an appointment with their GP’s. It appears to me a simple system to
get more GP’s build more Care and Nursing Homes to avoid bed blocking and thus free up Hospitals to care for patients that need to be there. The amount of Managers in Hospitals has got to ridiculous levels and one has to ask are they all required, would it not be better to employ more staff treating patients and less pen pushers. Governments and Hospital managers are obsessed with waiting times which should be abolished and then pressure would be taken off hospital staff, enabling them to treat patients instead of clock watching.
The Chairman and I will be delivering the £50 Christmas Gifts to Branch widows in December.
It was disappointing that at the Summer 2017, once again, few members attended. A situation that cannot be allowed to continue.
Finally, may I wish all Members a healthy, happy and prosperous Christmas and New Year and hope to see more members attending Meetings than at present. For the Branch to continue we need to get more members interested in the Branch.
Former DS3335 Alexander McLeod 30/06/17 Last served Rochester
Former DC9407 John Wood 06/07/17 Last served Folkestone
Former Insp2131 Frank Wheal 14/07/17 Last served Whitstable
Former PC2585 Basil Watts 20/07/17 Last served Kent Ports
Former PC4471 Terence Ware 20/08/17 No Service History
Former PC2307 William Haffenden 27/08/17 Last served Tenterden
Former Sgt3429 Marten Rogers 05/08/17 Last served SB Ports
Former PC2266 Barrington Phillips 17/08/17 Last served Meopham
Former PC3968 Michael Donovan 09/09/17 Last served Traffic Road Safety
Former Sgt 1776 Gerald Allen 14/09/17 Last served Rochester
Former Sgt5438 Kim Reene 09/09/17 Last served Folkestone
Former Sgt 2995 John Broadbent 18/09/17 Last served Canterbury
Former PC3420 Nigel Govett BEM 28/09/17 Last served Police Federation
Former Supt2823 John Watson 03/10/17 No service History
Death of Member
It is with regret that Branch Member Former Sgt Gerald Allen died on 14th September 2017. Gerry was a highly respected officer and after his retirement he worked at Rochester Police Station for many years and was a jovial and always helpful individual and will be sadly missed.
Death of Nigel Govett Bem
It is with sadness they we announce the death of Nigel who as many of you will be aware he Secretary of Tunbridge Wells Branch of NARPO for many years. Nigel was also Vice Chairman of the Police Federation and for his meritorious service was awarded the British Empire Medal in 1990. For those that knew Nigel he one of the most helpful and jovial person I have ever known. He was helpful to all and gave good advice and he will be sadly missed by all those that had the privilege to have known him. Our condolences go to his wife for his sad loss.
Police Pension Increase
The CPI (Consumer Price Index) for September 2017 was 3% and therefore the Police pension increase this year will be 3%, which is far better than in the last few years. NARPO subscriptions will increase in line with this increase and are set at £20.64 (£1.72 per month) previously subs being £20.04 (£1.67 per month) and increase of 60 pence per year and 5 pence per month.
Treasurers Report
All outstanding monies have been paid and the account shows a very healthy balance. Full details will be available at the Winter Meeting.
Nominations for Vice Chairman
It is now some considerable time since the Branch has been without a Vice Chairman and I would ask that any person interested should submit their details to the Secretary and attend the next meeting. The lack of support for the Branch is playing into the hands of NARPO H.Q., who would like nothing more than seeing Branches amalgamated into one for each Force. The answer is in the hands of members and if they wish the Branch to remain as it is or, have it amalgamated with another Branch and eventually made a County Branch.
New Rules Adopted at Conference
At Conference this year a set of new rules has been adopted and it is hoped that this will simplify and bring up to date the rules of NARPO. A full copy is available on the NARPO website.
Members Change of Details
Should any member change address or other details then please notify the Secretary in order that paperwork arrives at correct site with correct details. Can we also request that all those that have email addresses send these to the Secretary as we have 310 members and to date 160 have provided an email address. The reason for requesting email addresses is to try to save on the high costs of printing and postage and thus provide the Branch with funds to improve the service we are able to provide to pensioners.
Your assistance in providing these email details would be greatly appreciated. We understand that not all members have email addresses and these will continue to receive Newsletters by post as normal.
Welfare & Benevolent Fund
The Branch run a welfare section and any member with any problems should contact the Secretary for advice etc. All conversations and dealings are dealt with in the strictest confidence. Welfare representatives are Bruce Goldfarb and Terry Lynch.
Branch Website
Those members that have access to the Branch website at www.medwaynarpo.org, are reminded to check the site regularly for updates. Should any member wish to advertise items for sale etc on this website then please contact the Secretary.
As you are all aware, from the letter sent out some time ago, we no longer send a group email when a new item is placed onto the website and therefore, members should check this site on a regular basis at www.medwaynarpo.org. Members should also note the information available on the national website www.narpo.org.
Committee Members
Chairman Mr Terry Lynch
Vice Chairman Vacant
Secretary/Treasurer Mr Bruce Goldfarb
Committee Members
Mr Christopher Mayes Mr Jim Rayment Mr Maurice Baggott Mr Frank Gallagher
Notification of any Other Business
Should any member have any item that they wish to raise at this meeting they should notify the Secretary in order that the matter can be researched and discussed in detail.
Bruce T. Goldfarb
Secretary. Medway & District Branch NARPO