2017 - Winter Minutes
Minutes of the winter meeting of Medway & District Branch N.A.R.P.O held on 28th November 2017 at Avenue Theartre, Sittingbourne.
Apologies received from Maurice Goble.
A full list of obituaries was read out to the Meeting and two minutes silence was held to remember those that have passed.
Chairman’s Report
The Chairman explained that a Meeting had been held at FHQ when the Police and Crime Commissioner had attended and he was found to be very informative and indeed had a keen interest in the Force and its staff past and present.
The Secretary explained that another Curator for the Police Museum at Faversham was now in post and it was wondered how long this Curator would last in view of previous incumbents’.
The Chairman explained that still no member had come forward to take up the position of Vice Chairman and in view of this and lack of support at Meetings by Branch members then the Branch is playing into the hands of those who wish only one Branch per Force. A long discussion ensued and it was suggested that we go back to only having two meetings a year instead of three and this was put off until the AGM in April 2018 when it would again be discussed and put to the vote. The consensus being that with a website the need for 3 meetings a year was costly and unnecessary.
The Chairman again raised the topic of the Branch running trips that in the past had gained little or no support. Members either support the Branch or at the end of the day it will cease to exist.
Secretary/Treasurer’s Report
The Secretary reiterated that the Police pension increase will be 3% this year in line with the C.P.I. (Consumer Price Index) and the same amount will apply to the Old Age pension.
The Secretary explained that Northants Police had been found to be in contravention of the Data Protection Act in relation to requesting more information on medical history of those in receipt of injury awards. It is understood that Kent at this time has no persons in this position.
The Secretary informed the Meeting that all monies had been paid that was owed and the Branch has a healthy balance going forward to 2018. He also informed the Meeting that under the New Rules introduced at the last Conference then the chairman has to sign of the yearly accounts in future years.
Matters Arising
There are two matters the first the widows Xmas gifts of £50 which will all be sent out or delivered in first week of December 2017.
The second being the website and problems some members encounter in getting into parts of it due to confusion over small headings on site. The Secretary will speak to Mr Downs and see if this situation can be rectified.
There being no other business the Meeting closed at 9pm and the dates for Meetings in 2018 will be placed onto website as soon as they can be arranged.
Bruce Goldfarb
Branch Secretary