2017 - Winter Newsletter


Secretary/Treasurer: Bruce Goldfarb

7 Saracen Fields, Walderslade, Chatham, ME5 9DG

Telephone: 01634.683034 - E-mail: goldfarb65@btinternet.com  - Branch website www.medwaynarpo.org

You are cordially invited to attend the half yearly meeting of the Branch to be held at, The Avenue Theatre, Avenue of Remembrance, Sittingbourne (opposite Police Station), at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 11th July 2017..


1. Apologies

2. Obituaries

3. Minutes of Summer Meeting

4. Chairman’s Report

5. Matters arising

6. Half yearly Secretary’s Report

7. Treasurer’s Report

8. Any other business

Secretary's Report

We are approaching a very difficult time politically with no party having overall power which may mean some of the less favourable Conservative Manifesto ideas may not come to fruition i.e. so called dementia tax, means testing Winter fuel allowances which were clearly intended to punish pensioners who have looked after their finances for the benefit of themselves and future generations.  The leaving of the EU is beginning and it is hoped we will get a reasonable deal out of talks. It is in no countries interests to limit trade and sharing of intelligence in these troubled times.  There have been a number of terrorist attacks recently as well as the horrendous fire in London where so many have perished.  In all these incidents the Emergency Services and public have acted in an amazing fashion.

I get on to the last Branch Meeting held on 7th March 2017 when only 3 people attended and indeed, owing to family illness I was unable to attend for the first time since becoming Secretary 13 years ago. Owing to the very poor turnout the Meeting was abandoned.

It appears that members show little interest in attending Meetings of the Branch and perhaps consideration in these circumstances should be given to amalgamating with another Branch.

Clearly we cannot hold Meetings with so few in attendance and generally turnout in the past has been very poor at these Meetings. I would ask that more members attend Meetings as at this moment in time I am seriously considering my position as Secretary/Treasurer.  It costs around £200 to hold a Meeting with all the costs involved.  We have been asking for Member to take on the role of Vice Chairman with no response whatsoever and the position remains vacant.  I will await the outcome of this Meeting and attendance levels and then decide if I wish to remain in my position.

All officers and committee members have expressed a wish to continue in these rolls and therefore unless any other member wishes to apply to me before the Meeting they will be re-elected.

Obituaries (* denotes Branch Member)

Former DC3067 Robin Gulvin              8/2/17   Last served Dover SB

Former Insp2675 Walter Roomes      11/2/17   Last served Traffic

Former Insp2212 Anthony Chuck       23/2/17   Last served FHQ

Former PC2590 Arnold Barnes            4/3/17   Last served FHQ

Former PC1745 Raymond Payne         5/3/17   Last served Margate

Former Sgt1547 John Tait                 9/3/17   Last served Ashford

Former Sgt2962 Graham Pond          17/3/17   Last served Ashford DTC

Former PC1733 Bertram Ashman      22/3/17   Last served Dover

Former DC3897 Michael Faulkner      21/3/17   Last served NCU

Former PC1416 Donald Nicols          14/4/17   Last served Cranbrook

FormerPC9211 George Connolly        23/4/17   Last served Hawkinge

Former PC2864 Peter Madigan          10/5/17   Last served Sittingbourne

Former PC3426 John Miller                 9/5/17  Last served Canterbury

Former DC3718 William Winchester   12/5/17  Last served FHQ

Former PC4615 Brian Rushford          18/5/17  Last served Ashford

Former Sgt6869 David Kember          21/5/17  Last served Tunbridge Wells

Former Ch/Insp2140 David Hocking   24/5/17  Last served Maidstone

Former Sgt 8051 John Hibberd           6/6/17  Last served Sittingbourne

Former Sgt 1639 Gordon Walmsley     6/6/17  Last served Deal

*Former Sgt 1534 Ronald Pack         11/6/17  Last served Sittingbourne

Former Sgt6867 John Gridley            5/6/17   Last served Deal (He changed his name to Jinaketu Dharmchari after becoming a Buddhist)

Change of Adress

All members are reminded to notify the Secretary of any change of address. Failing to notify changes will result in your name and details being removed from the N.E.C mailing list and you will no longer receive the NARPO magazine.  Once a magazine is returned not known at this address your details are removed.

You should also notify pay role and pensions and the Benevolent Fund at FHQ.

Benevolent Fund

All members are to be aware that the Benevolent Fund is there to assist in many ways.   If you wish to know any further details please contact Bruce Goldfarb on the telephone number at the top of this page or the e-mail address. Bruce Goldfarb and Terry Lynch are the welfare representatives for the Branch and should be able to assist.

All conversations in relation to Welfare issues are strictly confidential.

Committee Members Elections

The below were elected at the Spring 2015 meeting. All are willing to stand again and if any other person has an interest please contact Secretary prior to Meeting.

Chairman:  Mr T. Lynch

Vice Chairman: Vacant  Secretary Treasurer: Mr B. Goldfarb

Committee Members

Mr C. Mayes  Mr J. Raymont  Mr M. Baggott  Mr F. Gallagher  

Annual Conference

This Branch will again not be sending any members to Conference and the secretary has notified NARPO HQ of this decision. At previous Meetings it was decided that money is better spent on Welfare of members rather than attending Conference.

NARPO HQ will be bringing the issue of the proposed new rules back to Conference in 2017 when it is hoped Branches will accept the Benefits of these new rules which will bring NARPO into this century.  This Branch accepted the new Rules in 2015 but the Motion was lost at Conference 2015.

No 5 Southeast Regional Meeting

The Chairman attended the last Meeting and will give an update at this Meeting. 

Treasurer's Report

The funds were audited by the Secretary and agreed by the Chairman and were duly sent to NARPO HQ to be checked and agreed. There are no matters pending and all monies owed have been paid and accounted for.

NARPO Travel Insurance

The NARPO travel Insurance has again increased to £297.50 for married couple and £212.50 for a single person.  We those members with ailments this is still a reasonable deal when compared to other insurers but is looking towards pricing itself out if it continues to rise at these levels each year. For those that only have one holiday a year then it may be as well to get quotes for single trips from other insurers.

Care Quality Commission

The above are seeking responses from disabled people in relation to care they have received from Hospital, care homes, GP Surgeries and care in the home services for example to assist them in helping to improve services to the disabled.

If you go into members@disabilityrightsuk.org it will take to this survey.

Citizens Advice Witness Serivce

The above run a volunteer service supporting witnesses who come to give evidence in criminal trials and they are looking to expand their volunteer base. They are interested in seeking volunteers for the outreach programme, where volunteers support vulnerable and intimidated witnesses through the journey of giving evidence. They are keen to obtain volunteers from NARPO and any member interested in volunteering should contact Emma Manwaring, Team Leader on Mobile 07584.489294.   

Any Other Matters

If any member wants any other matters placed on the Agenda please notify the Secretary in writing as soon as possible.

Summer 2017 Meeting

The Winter Meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 28th November 2017 at The Avenue Theatre, Avenue of Remembrance,Sittingbourne.

Bruce Goldfarb

Branch Secretary