2017 - Summer Minutes
Minutes of the winter meeting of Medway & District Branch N.A.R.P.O held on 11th July 2017 at Avenue Theartre, Sittingbourne.
Apologies received from Peter Dale.
A full list of obituaries was read to Meeting and added to the list on Summer Newsletter was DS 3335 Alexander McLeod. A minutes silence was observed bt the Meeting to remember comrades who had passed away.
Chairman’s Report
The Chairman explained that he had attended Meetings at Leatherhead (No5 Region Meeting) and liaison meeting at FHQ where the main topic of conversation was the Data Protection Policy to be adopted by NARPO. It appears that all data comes under this Policy and it is hoped that soon all details will be held on Super sleuth the database NARPO holds all members records on. This will affect emails and even written records kept by Branches including Newsletters and emails on Branch websites and Branch websites. An annual audit of all such records will be kept by Branch secretaries and when completed sent to NARPO HQ.
The Chairman following personal problems in his family will look into future trips for the Branch.
Welfare of members was raised and the question of whether the Branch should visit members to check on health and wellbeing. The Secretary explained that some time ago he had asked for members willing to visit other members to come forward so that a system could be put into place. He received no response to this request. It is the case that when problems arise the Secretary or Chairman are contacted direct and deal with issues as they arise. The Secretary explained that when information comes from third parties and not the member it is difficult to get involved as some members do not want or seek assistance. Great care has to be taken when dealing with these issues as much as they would like to assist the member must seek assistance.
Matters Arising & Correspondence
There were no matters arising and all correspondence has been dealt with and circulated on the Newsletter and on Branch Website.
Secretary and Treasurers Report
The Secretary advised members to be aware that the NARPO Travel Insurance has increased again this year and for those that only have one holiday a year it is advisable to get quote from other companies for this holiday as it may be cheaper than that offered by NARPO and may give same cover depending on illness etc.
The Secretary explained that following the Spring Meeting when only three members attended then consideration should be given to amalgamating with another Branch as clearly there is a complete apathy amongst members wishing to attend Meetings. The Secretary all stated that, he will in all probability, be standing down at the end of 2017. There had also been no member coming forward for the vacancy of Vice Chairman. The Secretary believed it highly unlikely that any member would stand as Secretary/Treasurer going on previous interest from members and so NARPO HQ would have to be notified that the Branch cannot continue and they may say to whom the branch would be amalgamated with.
The Branch accounts have been audited and are in order and all matters have been dealt with and the Branch has a healthy balance. The accounts were made available to the Meeting.
Election of Committee and Officers
All those in position are willing to remain at this time and as no other candidates put their names forward they were all elected.
Delegates to Conference
As in previous years the Branch will not be attending Conference as it is felt the money is better used for welfare of members.
The Meeting agreed to keep this at last year’s levels. This was proposed by Mr Brian Ward and seconded by Jim Rayment.
There being no other business the meeting was closed and the Winter Meeting will be held on Tuesday 28th November 2017 at Avenue Theatre, Sittingbourne.
Secretary...............................................Bruce T. Goldfarb
Chairman..............................................Terry Lynch