2017 - Spring Newsletter
Secretary/Treasurer: Bruce Goldfarb
7 Saracen Fields, Walderslade, Chatham, ME5 9DG
Telephone: 01634.683034 - E-mail: goldfarb65@btinternet.com - Branch website www.medwaynarpo.org
You are cordially invited to attend the half yearly meeting of the Branch to be held at, The Avenue Theatre, Avenue of Remembrance, Sittingbourne (opposite Police Station), at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 11th July 2017..
1. Apologies
2. Obituaries
3. Minutes of Summer Meeting
4. Chairman’s Report
5. Matters arising
6. Half yearly Secretary’s Report
7. Treasurer’s Report
8. Any other business
Secretary's Report
Winter has been very cold and energy companies have decided to increase prices by around 5%, which unlike the 5% reduction last Winter is set to hit pensioners the hardest. I would respectfully suggest that you all check your suppliers to ensure you are getting the best deal. Savers are still getting a raw deal from banks and with inflation running at 1.8% the value of money in the Banks is diminishing and this looks likely to continue for some years in the current climate. We would urge the Bank of England to seriously look into increasing interest rates as is being recommended by Age Concern and other pensioner forums. For any member interested NS&I will launch a Bond in April 2017 which pays interest of 2.2% guaranteed and is fixed for 3 years. This I appreciate is still a poor rate but far better than most Banks etc.
Branch widows all received the Christmas gift and again letters and emails expressing their thanks have been received and it is hoped that again this year the same monetary gift will apply.
All officers and committee members have expressed a wish to continue in these rolls and therefore unless any other member wishes to apply to me before the Meeting they will be re-elected.
NARPO Subscription will increase £20.04 per annum and increase of 24p per annum in line with pension increase as announced in September 2016.
We still require a nomination and seconder for the vacant position as Vice Chairman of the Branch and any person interested should contact the Secretary prior to the meeting.
Obituaries (* denotes Branch Member)
Former Insp2681 Desmond Perrott 18/11/16 Last served Folkestone
Former Ch Supt2689 Lewis Hart 30/11/16 Last served Rochester
Former insp3267 Frank Standen 4/12/16 Last served Sheerness
Former PC5426 Edward Hughes 11/12/16 Last served Folkestone
Former Insp2558 Roy Gordine 9/1/17 Last served SB Ports
Former PC6172 Michael Cozens 1/1/17 Last served Deal
Former PC3144n Saunders 28/12/16 Last served SB Ports
Former PC4265 Micheal O’Rourke 24/12/16 Last served Swanley
Former Sgt3190 John Oliver 7/12/16 Last served Tonbridge
Former PC2580 Raymond Nye 18/12/16 Last served Herne Bay
Former Sgt5374 Leonard Watts 15/1/17 Last served Rochester
Former Ch Insp2287 Ronald Carden 15/1/17 Last served Ashford
Former Supt1433 Thomas Bodell 25/1/17 Last served Canterbury
Former PC8106 Darryl Oung 29/1/17 Last served Tunbridge Wells
Change of Adress
All members are reminded to notify the Secretary of any change of address. Failing to notify changes will result in your name and details being removed from the N.E.C mailing list and you will no longer receive the NARPO magazine. Once a magazine is returned not known at this address your details are removed.
You should also notify pay role and pensions and the Benevolent Fund at FHQ.
Benevolent Fund
All members are to be aware that the Benevolent Fund is there to assist in many ways. If you wish to know any further details please contact Bruce Goldfarb on the telephone number at the top of this page or the e-mail address. Bruce Goldfarb and Terry Lynch are the welfare representatives for the Branch and should be able to assist.
All conversations in relation to Welfare issues are strictly confidential.
Committee Members Elections
The below were elected at the Spring 2016 meeting. All are willing to stand again and if any other person has an interest please contact Secretary prior to Meeting.
Chairman: Mr T. Lynch
Vice Chairman: Vacant Secretary Treasurer: Mr B. Goldfarb
Committee Members
Mr C. Mayes Mr J. Raymont Mr M. Baggott Mr F. Gallagher
Annual Conference
This Branch will again not be sending any members to Conference and the Secretary has notified NARPO HQ of this decision. At previous Meetings it was decided that money is better spent on Welfare of members rather than attending Conference.
NARPO HQ will be bringing the issue of the proposed new rules back to Conference in 2017 when it is hoped Branches will accept the Benefits of these new rules which will bring NARPO into this century. This Branch accepted the new Rules in 2015 but the Motion was lost at Conference 2015.
No 5 Southeast Regional Meeting
The next Meeting is scheduled for Saturday 29th April 2017 and the Chairman and Secretary will be attending the Meeting at Police Federation Headquarters in Leatherhead.
Treasurer's Report
The funds were audited by the Secretary/Treasurer and agreed by the Chairman and were duly sent to NARPO HQ to be checked and agreed. There are no matters pending and all monies owed have been paid and accounted for.
NARPO Travel and Health Insurance
The secretary has noted that the Travel Insurance through NARPO will increase this year to £297.50 an increase of £42.50 for a married couple and although this is good value for couples with health problems unless you are going to use it for several holidays it may be beneficial to ask other companies from one of process from this insurance. Please remember if you do not wish to renew this insurance you must cancel it prior to 1st May 2017 otherwise it is automatically renewed.
Tom Flether MAYSON V.C.
The above was an uncle to the wife of member Stephen Medcalf and below is a very brief resume of this man’s incredible bravery which Stephen and his wife Betty are very proud. The Secretary would like to thank them both for bringing this story to the attention of the Branch.
He was 23 years old, and a Lance-Sergeant in the 1/4th Battalion, The King's Own (Royal Lancaster) Regiment, British Army during the First World War when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the VC.
On 31 July 1917 at Wieltje, Belgium, when his platoon was held up by machine-gun fire, Lance-Sergeant Mayson, without waiting for orders, at once made for the gun which he put out of action with bombs, wounding four of the team; the remaining three of the team fled, pursued by Lance-Sergeant Mayson to a dug-out where he killed them. Later, when clearing up a strongpoint, this NCO again tackled a machine-gun single-handed, killing six of the team. Finally during an enemy counterattack he took charge of an isolated post and successfully held it until ordered to withdraw and his ammunition was exhausted.
Should anyone wish to obtain more details of this soldiers heroic story there are many more details on line.
I attach copies of articles in National Pensioners Convention’s (NPC’s) Campaign paper for your information together with latest information from NARPO HQ on Pensions and Co-habiting Couples. It should be borne in mind HQ are awaiting full judgement and will consider its finding and give a further update when digested.
Any Other Matters
If any member wants any other matters placed on the agenda please notify the Secretary in writing as soon as possible. The Secretary would ask that if any other member has any stories or anecdotes of interest to the membership then they contact him direct with these memories.
Summer 2017 Meeting
The Summer Meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th July 2017 at The Avenue Theatre, Avenue of Remembrance,Sittingbourne
Bruce Goldfarb
Branch Secretary