2016 - Winter Minutes


Minutes of Winter 2016 Meeting of Medway and District Branch on 13th December 2016 at the Avenue Theatre, Sittingbourne.


Apologies received from Joan Carver, Maurice Goble, Brian, Ivan Reid, Les Scott, Terry Graves and Dudley Smith.


A list of all those colleagues who have passed away was read out to the meeting and a minutes silence was observed. Further obituaries since the Winter Newsletter were also read out.

Minutes of Summer Meeting

The minutes of the Summer Meeting held on Tuesday 12th July 2016 were agreed by the Meeting and duly signed as a true record by the Chairman and Secretary.

Chairman’s Report

The Chairman also apologised for not arranging the trips discussed previously at a Branch Meeting, owing to personal problems. He did not attend the last Kent NARPO Branch Meeting at the Training School, FHQ due to being unwell.  The Chairman was also unable to attend the New Rules Seminar in Reading again due to being unwell.  The Secretary informed the meeting that the New Rules mainly dealing with only retired Police Officers would be allowed to hold the main positions in each Branch.  There were a few wording issues that have been resolved and it is hoped that Nationally that at Conference 2017 the New Rules would be accepted enabling the organisation to enter the 21stcentury.

The Branch Website is still being well used.  

‘Old Comrades Day’ Re-union Lunch was held on Friday 29th July 2016 at The Training School, FHQ, at Maidstone and it was disappointing that only 64 pensioners attended. The Chief Constable attended and gave a speech and retired Chief Constable Barry Payne gave a response on behalf of retired officers.

Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.

Secretary and Treasurers Report

The Secretary read out all correspondence received all of which has been placed onto the Branch Website. It was noted that a letter was received from the Finance Officer for Kent Police to the effect that Branches would be charged for the Force collecting subscriptions for Branches. A further letter was received cancelling this and stating no charge would be made but leaving the door open should things change.

There are lots of changes at NARPO HQ with staff with the Finance Officer Sue Ward retiring and the job being offered to a interviewed person only for them to decline the job and the second placed interviewee has been offered the job.  Sue Ward has agreed to keep a watching brief on the finances of the organisation with others.

The Branch funds are very healthy with all monies owed having been paid and no matters are outstanding.

Any Other Business

The matter of a good breakdown Service was raised and Mr Jim Rayment stated he had been with the NARPO advertised one for several years and found them excellent and indeed good value for the cost.  Other companies seemed to be far more expensive and Brian Ward stated that he had contacted his service when his renewal came in and was able to negotiate a much better price once he had talked to them.  It appears Insurance companies do try to get maximum costs from customers and hope they do not query these costs. It is recommended that you all query the cost of any renewal.  NARPO have good deals for motor and household insurance which are difficult to beat.

The Secretary raised the issue of Stuart Downs who at this time is in poor health and awaiting tests and suggested that it would be advisable to have another person in the Branch that would be willing to take on this role and update website when Stuart is not available. I have discussed the matter with Stuart who would be happy to train another person to undertake this role in any absence.

There being no other business the Meeting closed at 8.45pm.  The next Meeting will be held on a date to be notified in next Newsletter and on Branch website and will be at The Avenue Theatre, Avenue of Remembrance, Sittingbourne at 7.30pm.


Signed...............................................................Mr T. Lynch Chairman