2016 - Summer Minutes
Minutes of Summer 2016 Meeting of Medway and District Branch on 12th July 2016 at the Avenue Theatre, Sittingbourne.
Apologies received from Joan Carver, Maurice Goble, Brian Ward, Mark Gibson and Ivan Reid.
A list of all those colleagues who have passed away was read out to the meeting and a minutes silence was observed.
Minutes of Spring Meeting
The minutes of the Spring Meeting held on Tuesday 8th March 2016 were agreed by the Meeting and duly signed as a true record by the Chairman and Secretary.
Chairman’s Report
The Chairman is still attending ‘Passing Out’ Parades at FHQ on behalf of the Branch, but due to personal difficulties will not be attending the next one and enquired if any other member present wished to attend but there were no takers.
The Chairman also apologised for not arranging the trips discussed previously at a Branch Meeting, again owing to personal problems. He will be attending the next Kent NARPO Branch Meeting at the Training School, FHQ next Tuesday 19th July 2016. He also attended the South Eastern Region NARPO AGM on Saturday 9th April 2016 at the Police Federation HQ at Leatherhead, Surrey, Unfortunately Bruce Goldfarb (Branch Secretary) was unable to attend on this occasion due to Personal reasons. There was nothing contentious. Just a matter of interest Sussex Police run a Charitable Trust, which is similar to our own Kent Police Benevolent Fund. They produce a Newsletter, which was available for those present to look at during this Meeting.
The Branch Website is still being well used. Hits of the Site as at today were 3492. For those interested there was an interesting article about Retired Sgt 958 Frank HALSE, Kent’s oldest Police Pensioner who sadly died on the 3rd May 2016 aged 104 years.
Bruce Goldfarb (Secretary) mentioned that both of us had recently attended the 100th Birthday Celebrations held at an Elderly Person’s Retirement Home in Walderslade for Miss Phyllis Rixon who worked as a Civilian for Kent Constabulary, then Kent Police at Rochester Police Station for a total of 34 years, She was presented by Bruce Goldfarb with a framed Plaque, together with flowers and a box of chocolates from the member’s of Medway & District Branch of NARPO, which she was thoroughly delighted with. The Deputy Commander for Medway Police also attended and presented Phyllis with similar gifts. Bruce passed a few photographs of the celebration around to those present at the Meeting for them to have a look at during tonight’s meeting.
‘Old Comrades Day’ Re-union Lunch will be held this year on Friday 29th July 2016 at The Training School, FHQ, at Maidstone.
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
Secretary and Treasurers Report
The Secretary read out all correspondence received all of which has been placed onto the Branch Website.
The Secretary raised the issue of the Vice Chairman and a Committee Member vacancy and Mr Chris Mayes stood as Committee Member and was seconded by Mr Frank Gallagher and was elected unanimously by those present. The Secretary thanked him for standing and being elected. The post of Vice Chairman is still vacant and it is hoped this will shortly be filled.
The Branch funds are very healthy with all monies owed having been paid and no matters are outstanding.
Any Other Business
Mr Gallagher asked that a letter of thanks be sent to Mr Brian Ward for his services as Vice Chairman and the Secretary agreed this would be done.
There being no other business the Meeting closed at 8.15pm. The next Meeting will be held on Tuesday 13thDecember 2016 at The Avenue Theatre, Avenue of Remembrance, Sittingbourne at 7.30pm.
Signed...............................................................Mr T. Lynch Chairman
Signed................................................................Mr B. Goldfarb Secretary